
Living-in.EU Digital Assembly 2024: Register Today!

Living-in.EU Digital Assembly 2024: Register Today!

During the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024, the Living-in.EU movement will organise its second EU Digital Assembly in Brussels. The event will be on Wednesday 9 October 2024, from 14:30 to 16:00, in the Committee of the Regions (Jacques Delors building). 

You can register to the event on the European Week of Regions and Cities website through this link.  

Webstreaming should be available for this session and will be communicated at a later stage. 

What is the Living-in.EU Digital Assembly?

The Living-in.EU Digital Assembly is the political advisory body of the Living-in.EU movement. It is co-chaired by Mayor Lluïsa Moret Sabidó, from the City of Sant Boi de Llobregat, and CoR Member Mirja Vehkaperä, Chair of the City Board of Oulu. It meets once per year, and the annual event is the opportunity for all EU mayors, regional presidents, and other stakeholders to debate the political priorities of the movement and to provide strategic orientation in support of the twin green and digital transformation of EU cities and communities. 

An official signatory ceremony organised  

The event is dedicated to Living-in.EU current and potential signatories. If your city/region/member state is interested in signing the "Join, Boost, Sustain" Declaration, please contact Gabriela Ruseva, project coordinator of Go Li.EU project at and Rodolphe Doité, Policy and project Manager at ERRIN at 

There will be an open discussion with the room, so this is an opportunity to exchange about Data Spaces!

Draft Agenda 

14:30 – 14:40: Welcome - Chair of the Board Mirja Vehkaperä, City of Oulu, Member of the CoR and Mayor Lluïsa Moret i Sabido, Sant Boi de Llobregat 

14:40 – 14:50: Keynote speech Committee of the Regions representative 

14:50 – 15:25: Panel discussion – Digital innovation ecosystem with a people-centred approach, moderated by Andre Sobczak, Secretary General of Eurocities 

15:25 – 15:50: Exchange with the room and ‘Join, Boost, Sustain’ Declatation’s signing ceremony  

15:50 – 16:00: Conclusion European Commission  

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Call for Pilots: Round 2 Info Session

Call for Pilots: Round 2 Info Session


This online Info Session is targeted towards all stakeholders interested in creating data-based services for the benefit of local communities. The aim of the European data space for smart communities (DS4SSCC-DEP) initiative is to build a territorial, place-based data space for smart communities and unlock the value of data to support Europe's objectives set out in the Digital Decade and Green Deal. 

The DS4SSCC-DEP project organises three rounds of Call for Pilots, and we're excited to launch the second round on September 1st, 2024. The deadline for submission is on 30 November 2024 (23:59 CET).

This upcoming Info Session, organised on September 11th, will allow participants to get introduced to the overall framework of the Call for Pilots, the support activities as well as the monitoring of pilots' progress and impact. This is your chance to clarify any questions you may have and prepare yourself for a successful application submission

You can find more information on the Call for Pilots here.

Preliminary Agenda:

  • Introduction to European data space for smart communities 

  • Call for Pilots: find your way through Round 2

  • Pilots support and impact: winning pilots 

  • Call to action and closing 


If you have any questions please reach out to

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Open Call for Pilots Launch (Round 2)

Open Call for Pilots Launch (Round 2)

The second round of Open Calls is expected to be launched and opened for submission September - November 2024. From the second submissions round, we are aiming to select 4-6 pilot projects to be implemented with a total pilot duration of minimum of 12 to a maximum of 18 months.

For more information on how to apply and about evaluation & piloting timeline, please see ‘Submissions & Timeline’ page.

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Stakeholder Forum Online Meeting

Stakeholder Forum Online Meeting

Don't miss out on our next Stakeholder forum Meeting in order to:

  • Stay up to date with Data Sharing Best Practices  (Acquire and share)

  • Connect with the Data Space community

  • Actively contribute to the development and implementation of smart and sustainable cities

  • Receive the latest updates on funding opportunities and open call for pilots information

Sign up today!

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Living-in.EU Stakeholder Forum Meeting

Living-in.EU Stakeholder Forum Meeting

Before the start of the summer holidays, the Living-in.EU partners invite all Living-in.EU members to a joint event to review the latest updates in the field of communities' digital transformation. You can expect to learn about:

  • MIMs Plus Version 7 - available to uses

  • Data Space for smart communities - how to become a (funded) site of piloting

  • CommuniCity - new tools

  • How to make the most of Living-in.EU Platform

Register Here

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DS4SSCC Call for Pilots: Info Session

DS4SSCC Call for Pilots: Info Session

Register here!

This online Info Session will allow participants to get introduced to the overall framework of the DS4SSCC Call for Pilots, the pilots support activities as well as the monitoring of their progress and impact. The session will conclude with a Q&A session.

Call for Pilots (Round 1) was launched on 1 June (9:00 CET) and will be open for submission until 31 August 2024 (23:59 CET).

You can find more information on the Call for Pilots here.


  1. Introduction to European data space for smart communities 

  2. Call for Pilots: find your way through Round 1

  3. Pilots support and impact: winning pilots 

  4. European Data Space provisioning 

  5. Questions and Answers

  6. Closing and stay informed 

If you have any questions please reach out to 



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FIWARE DACH Community Meeting

FIWARE DACH Community Meeting

Join our high-calibre community from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Gain inspiration and news from the keynote speakers including Ignacio Garcia Vega who will speak at the event and represent European Data Space for Smart Communities.

Our next meeting will take place on Open Link Day as part of ViennaUP'24 in Vienna on 5 June in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency, the City of Vienna and the FIWARE Foundation Community.

You can expect: 

-Presentations on current topics
-Insights into ongoing EU projects (funded projects)
-Networking and business talks
-Opportunities for collaboration at various events such as the SCEWC
-First information on the FIWARE Global Summit on 18 & 19 September in Naples, Italy
-Current FIWARE activities of the City of Vienna

You are cordially invited to participate in this network meeting in Vienna.

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Smart City SuMMit

Smart City SuMMit

The Smart City SuMMit is an annual event to work together on solutions for the city of tomorrow. This year's event will focus on the urban energy transition. This requires cross-sector collaboration and innovative solutions. European Data Space for Smart Communities is eager to be taking part in this event. 

Business leaders, experts, decision-makers, innovators and entrepreneurs are invited to get to know solutions and lighthouse projects, exchange ideas and initiate new projects and partnerships.

Experts from the Viennese climate tech ecosystem are waiting with inputs, ideas, networks and also questions for exchange and possible cooperation with you.

The Smart City SuMMit is an annual event organised by the Vienna Business Agency and supported by the City of Vienna, Wiener Stadtwerke, the Climate and Energy Fund and Climate Lab.

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OASC Summit 2024
to Jun 4

OASC Summit 2024

  • 690 Weena Rotterdam, ZH, 3012 CN Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Connecting local digital ecosystems through interoperability

The Open & Agile Smart Cities & Communities (OASC) network is proud to host its annual Summit on the 3rd and 4th of June 2024 in Rotterdam! This year’s theme, connecting local digital ecosystems through interoperability, highlights their commitment to support cities and local communities to collaborate on digital transformation via the fluent sharing of data in and between cities and local communities.  Strategies, processes and technologies will be the main focus points. The main goal is to align as many cities as possible into that philosophy and concept and help cities to overcome the hurdles that block them from interoperability.

What to expect: 

  • General Assembly - update version of the MIMs

  • Keynote speakers and demonstrations of practical use cases in the field of sustainable mobility, procurement strategies and health care

  • Interactive sessions where other tools such as a digital roadmap, digital assessment tool and much more will be discussed!

  • Endless networking opportunities!


  • A dive into the global and European political landscape where legal frameworks and initiatives that shape the digital playing field are coined. 

  • Dissection of the processes required at the local level to facilitate interoperability. It’s about a mindset, skills and transversal thinking that are essential for overcoming hurdles. 

  • Explore the available technologies that can assist cities and local communities, regardless of their digital maturity, in advancing towards interoperability.

  • Highlight our Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs), as the minimal but sufficient ground for interoperability that cities, companies, researchers and governments can use when procuring and using digital tools and systems

Register here

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Open Call for Pilots Launch (1st Round)

Open Call for Pilots Launch (1st Round)

The first round of Open Calls is expected to be launched and opened for submission June - August 2024. From the first submissions round, we are aiming to select 1-2 pilot projects to be implemented with a total pilot duration of minimum of 12 to a maximum of 18 months.

For more information on how to apply and about evaluation & piloting timeline, please see ‘Submissions & Timeline’ page.

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Stakeholder Forum Online Meeting

Stakeholder Forum Online Meeting

Don't miss out on our next Stakeholderforum Meeting in order to:

  • Stay up to date with Data Sharing Best Practices  (Acquire and share)

  • Connect with the Data Space community

  • Actively contribute to the development and implementation of smart and sustainable cities

  • Receive the latest updates on funding opportunities and open call for pilots information

Sign up today!

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