Blueprint: As per the Data Spaces Support Centre glossary, blueprint stands for “a consistent, coherent and comprehensive set of guidelines to support the implementation, deployment and maintenance of data spaces.” In the context of DS4SSCC-DEP, the blueprint refers to the data spaces blueprint for smart communities, developed during the DS4SSCC preparatory phase.
Building Block: An outline of interconnected features and/or abilities that can be utilized and integrated with other components to attain the complete functionality of a data environment.
Catalogue of Specifications: The Catalogue of Specifications, aims at lists standards, specifications and existing implementations for the building blocks required to set up and operate the data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities. It relied on the building blocks taxonomy recommended by the Data Spaces Support Centre.
Consortium: A consortium is a collaborative and often formalized alliance or association of organizations, companies, or entities with shared interests, goals, or objectives. Members of a consortium pool their resources, expertise, and efforts to work together on specific projects, initiatives, or endeavors that benefit all participants.
Data Cooperation Canvas: The Data Cooperation Canvas is a tool that helps various stakeholders describe existing, or explore potential new, data cooperations. The canvas is designed as part of the preparatory actions for the Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC) of the European Commission.
Data Space: According to the DSSC Glossary, a data space is a distributed system defined by a governance framework that enables secure and trustworthy data transactions between participants while supporting trust and data sovereignty. A data space is implemented by one or more infrastructures and enables one or more use cases.
Data Space Support Center (DSSC): It is a European funded project to coordinate and support the Common European Data Spaces in the endeavor of deploying interoperable data spaces in diverse domains.
DS4SSCC-DEP: European Data Space for Smart Communities Deployment (DS4SSCC-DEP) is an European Union funded initiative, which is a deployment action for the creation of a data space for smart communities as an enabler of the European Union Green Deal goals and Sustainable Development Goals.
DS4SSCC-DEP Consortium: The consortium of the deployment action for the European Data Space for Smart Communities is comprised of 7 partners: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia ICT Association (CCIS), the FIWARE Foundation, IMEC, International Data Corporation (IDC), Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), Serendipity and Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech).
Eligibility Check Grid: Checklist used by the DS4SSCC-DEP consortium to check Call for Pilots applications against various eligibility criteria (legal, financial, technical, ethical)
Ethical Board: A distinct group of experts that is established to assess ethical issues in the DS4SSCC-DEP project and propose mitigation measures.
Evaluation Committee: A dedicated group of three experts from both DS4SSCC-DEP partners and external stakeholders who are responsible for evaluating the Call for Pilots applications. Most probably, several Evaluation Committees will be established to evaluate the Call for Pilots across three rounds.
Evaluation Team: Selected people from the DS4SSCC-DEP project partners who are responsible for organising the whole evaluation process and running the pre-screening of applications. This team is also responsible for the final ranking of proposals and the final selection of the pilots.
Green Deal: The European Green Deal is a set of policies and initiatives introduced by the European Union (EU) to make the EU's economy sustainable and address climate change. It aims to transform the region into a climate-neutral continent by 2050. The deal covers various areas, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, promoting clean energy, and fostering a circular economy. It also involves measures to protect biodiversity, enhance sustainable agriculture, and promote a just transition for regions and industries most affected by the green transition.
Living-in.EU: Living-in.EU is the movement that aims at promoting sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU. To achieve the latter, stakeholders from all levels of government in the EU commit to the goals and principles of the movement by signing the Declaration on joining forces to boost sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU.
To help realise the political commitment of its signatories, Living-in.EU supports them to re-use and deploy existing proven digital solutions by working on shared standards and interoperability, capacity-building, legal frameworks, financial instruments and joint investment plans and monitoring mechanisms to measure digital maturity and progress. Signatories of the movement, together with the supporters (demand and supply side) aim for a cohesive, digital Europe, where every community can enjoy the economic and social benefits of a sustainable digital transformation.
Lead Partner: A legal entity that is responsible for the pilot implementation and carries out the coordination of the pilot. It is preferred that the lead partner is a local or regional public administration in the EU Member States.
Mentors: Specific role within the support team assigned to each pilot to act as the main entry point of the pilot into the data space. Mentors are gatekeepers for any request or contact with the project.
Pilot Consortium: A collaboration of two or more participating organisations teaming up to prepare, implement, and follow up on a project or an activity within a project.
Pilot Project: The initial small-scale implementation used to prove the viability of a project idea.
Pilot Site: Local or regional administration (as an area) where project ideas are tested and are assisted during project implementation.
SDG: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations to address various social, economic, and environmental challenges. Adopted in 2015, the SDGs aim to achieve a more sustainable and equitable world by 2030. They include objectives such as eradicating poverty, ensuring quality education, promoting gender equality, and addressing climate change. The SDGs serve as a universal call to action, encouraging countries, organizations, and individuals to work together to create a better and more sustainable future for all.
Smart Community: A “smart community” is a community that uses innovative technologies, data, and analytics to improve the community and address local challenges. Previously it has been referred to as ‘smart cities’, but to not rule out rural areas, the term used is ‘smart communities’.